Author Archive

20/10/2019 – End of Season News

20th October 2019

#One of the best ever seasons for brown trout at Soulseat. They just kept coming on Spinning, Bait and Fly almost certainly some of the best brown trout in Scotland if not the U.K. This is the result of many years of stocking fingerling trout a policy that we intend to continue for our members to enjoy in the years to come even when the present committee are long gone!!!

The pike fishers this year seem to have dropped away but still plenty of mid range fish being caught.

Dindinnie in particular and Knockquhassen have struggled this year despite regular stocking. General concensus is that they have suffered from too much water spoiling conditions.

We have negotiated a trial period with Stair Estates for winter fishing at Magillie. The future of this will depend on the response this year.

15/08/2018 – Competition News – Archived From Old Website

15th August 2018

Competition News – Archived From Old Website

Champions Cup – Sunday 16th September, 2.30pm to 7.30pm at Soulseat Loch (Fly Only)
Champions Salver – Sunday 16th September, 10am to 4pm at Soulseat Loch (Bait Only)
Terry Flower Memorial Shield – Saturday 8th September, 2.30pm to 7.30pm at Dindinnie (Fly Only)
William Whorlow Memorial Cup – Sunday 2nd September, 10am to 4pm at Soulseat Loch (Bait Only)
Agnew Salver & Junior Bait Trophy – Sunday 19th August, 10am to 4pm at Soulseat Loch (Bait Only)
Robert (Rab) Crozier Cup – Saturday 11th August, 10am to 4 pm at The Black Loch (Pike Only)
Alf Steel Rosebowl (incl OAP/Ladies Trophy) – Sunday 5th August, 10am to 4pm (Any allowable method)
Gordon McGuire won this trophy for the fifth time on Sunday at Soulseat with Ron Collison in second by only 1oz and Wilson Cloy in third. Juniors and bait fishers failed to make any impact at all.
The next competition is Saturday 11th August for pike at the Black Loch. Registration from 9am. Looking forward to a good turnout for this one.


Scotrail Trophy – Saturday 21st July, 10am – 4pm at Loch Magillie ( Bait, Peg & Keep Net competition)
Stewart Fiddler Shield (incl Ae Fisheries Pairs Trophy) – Saturday 30th June, 10am – 4pm at Loch Magillie (Bait Only)
The Stewart Fiddler shield was held at Magillie on Saturday with few wanting to brave the baking heat!
The winner, on this occasion, by a country mile was George Wellman followed in second place by the inevitable Thomas Copeland and in third David Hardie jnr. All anglers weighed in fish with no blanks for a change. Thanks to Bobby Greenhill for his donation of tackle to the junior winners and to Lidls for the bottle of wine to the winner who, by the way, did not offer to share it!

McRoberts Cup – Saturday 16th June at Burns Fishery
Devoy Cup – Sunday 3rd June at Alderneuk (Fly Only)
Devoy cup held over two legs due to demand for places was held at Alderneuk Fishery at Dumfries. We were welcomed on both occasions by hosts Wilma and Wullie who then proceeded to treat us to a couple of great days out. They fed and watered us and just about organised everything to perfection although they did fail a wee bit on the weather front as a bit of cloud cover would have been welcome!
On the first day Robin McLean won hands down with four fish but on the second day in even more difficult conditions junior member Thomas Copeland beat that by landing five rainbows which meant he wins the Devoy cup and a new rod being donated by long serving member Wilson Cloy to whom many thanks for encouraging juniors.
As a little add on club secretary took the prize for biggest fish on the day first ever win of anything fishy all though others may disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thomas receiving prizes from Eric McLean
Ron’s 4lb der

Billy trying to get into act but now has the nickname Mick as in Jagger!

Beautiful day at a superb venue

George Cup (incl Q. McDonald Shield for Juniors) – Sunday 27th May, 3pm to 8pm at Knockquhassen (Fly Only)
The Rob McKie Memorial Trophy – Sunday 13th May, 10am to 4pm at Soulseat Loch (Junior members only, Fly Bait or Spinning)
The George Morrison Trophy – 28th to 29th April
Stranraer & District Angling Association held the inaugural 2 days species hunt on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th April in memory of former member, friend and past chairman of the club, George Morrison.
The format of this competition was the first of it’s kind for the association, with a complete catch and release approach being adopted.
Entrants were tasked with catching as many of the 6 nominated species as possible over the two days, on any of the association waters, using any of the permitted methods as per association rules.
The nominated species were Pike, Perch, Roach, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout and Blue Trout. With entrants being issued with an ID tag and measuring mat to verify their catches via photograph.
A total of 21 anglers took to the waters over the 2 days with weather being kind to competitors both mornings but soon turning wet and colder in the afternoons.
Most anglers managed to get something onto their score sheet with decent catches of Pike, Roach, Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout being recorded. Other target species were proving difficult such as perch, where there were only 2 landed and the elusive solitary Blue Trout that was caught by George Wellman.

Twelve anglers recorded catching a pike, with the longest of this species going to Alan Hughes with a fine 102cm fish. Out of the two perch caught, the longest was caught by Kevin Hamilton, measuring at 29cm. The longest roach was shared between Andrew Knotts and Buff Smith with both fish reaching 24cm. A total of seven fine Brown Trout were recorded with George Wellman landing the longest measuring a cracking 54cm. John Langdon managed to take the top Rainbow Trout out of the eight recorded with a nice 46cm fish, and for the last nominated species it was once again George Wellman who was on the score sheet and managed to be the only angler to land a Blue Trout with his 43cm fish.
Using the nominated points system, in the junior Section third was won by Ryan Allen with 15 points, in second place was Thomas Copeland, recording 32points and the winner of the juniors and beating his brother in the mix was Bruce Copeland with a well deserved 47 points.

In the senior section and third place with 78 points was Buff Smith, in second place was organiser and grandson of the late George Morrison, Stuart Fitzsimons with 86 points. But after a cracking 2 days of fishing and crowned as the first ever winner of the memorial trophy was George Wellman.

The organisers and committee would like to thank everyone who attended and to the sponsors of the event – Ruddicot Hotel, Springwater Fishery, AH Access and Rescue, Mr W Parker, Mr G McGuire, Mr D Hardie, Glenluce Gun Room, ACPC Stranraer Ltd.

In other news for local angling, 3 members of the Stranraer & District Angling Association travelled to Lake of Menteith to represent the club in the Scottish National Fly Fishing Championships. This event seen them face some of the top anglers in the country at high level of competitive fly fishing.

But it was local angler Kevin Hamilton who managed see himself into the semi finals of the championship. Kevin managed to land a cracking 7 fish in this competition, despite never having fished this Lake before. The committee would like to wish Kevin all the best in the semi finals which will take place on Carron Valley Reservoir.

Hay Cup and Junior Fly Trophy – Sunday 22nd April, 2pm to 7pm at Penwhirn (Fly Only)
The Topping Trophy – Saturday 21st April, 10am to 4pm at The White Loch (Pike Only)

The Hans Topping pike trophy was fished for at the White Loch on Saturday with the overall winner being Kevin Hamilton, a Trout man, who decided to show the Pike men how it should be done! The heaviest fish at 9lb14 oz went to “Big Fitzy” who managed to go one oz better than Gordon Spiers. To those who only understand kilos and grams that is equivelent to “no very Much!”

Soulseat Cup – Junior Trophy – Sunday 15th April, 10am to 4pm (Fly, Bait or Spinning)
First competition of the season 25 participants over 40 fish caught and most returned. Biggest fish 4lb 4oz brownie by Danny Love, heaviest bag new member Nicky Longdon, 2nd Harry Wilson and finally David Hardie jnr. Junior Adam Molyneux.

Sadly two members misjudged and were too late for the weigh in but believe they had done really well so a bit sad.

The new rules of keeping first fish only caused some controversy but seemed generally welcome as it helps preserve fish stocks. It will be interesting to see how it goes this season and will no doubt be a good subject for debate at the AGM, it has already been subject to good natured discussion on our Facebook page.

J Langdon winning pike
The second winter pike competition was held at the Black Loch on Saturday 20th and fortunately the weather was kind to us which resulted in a fair turnout for this event. A good number of fish were caught and returned with the heaviest fish going to Rab Rennie at 12lb 14oz. The heaviest bag of the day went to John Langdon who was then presented with the trophy donated by himself!! He was also the winner of the two legs of the competition with a total combined bag weight of 63lbs, so was also the recipient of the club trophy.
We would like to thank Lord Stair for permitting us to hold this out of season competition and are pleased to say that another £250 will be winging its way to the chosen charity of Combat Stress.

The first of this years winter pike competitions was held at the White Loch on Saturday 18th with the heaviest bag and second heaviest fish going to Wullie Langdon with the heaviest fish and second heaviest bag going to George Wellman. Thomas Copeland was best junior again with 4 fish for 32 lbs. The second competition is to be held at the Black Loch on Saturday 20th January. Details to follow.

Lots of activities have been taking place since the close of the season with teams of volunteers restoring our boats under cover in a byre at Maharr by kind permission of Duncan Little. Other members have done a tremendous job of clearing fallen trees at Soulseat and Magillie so thanks to all.
Stranraer & District Angling Association
Two Winter Pike Matches
Lochinch Castle Chosen Charity
(combat stress)
Open to all members of S&DAA from the past year and our friends from Newton Stewart angling association. Senior members, OAP’s and associate members may bring one guest.

White Loch Date – Sat 18th Nov 2017

Black Loch Date – Sat 20th Jan 2018

In both matches the angler with the heaviest catch will receive an engraved crystal glass trophy.
An annual trophy will be presented to the angler with the heaviest overall catch over both matches.

£10 seniors
£5 juniors
Optional Sweeps
£2 heaviest catch, 1st place 60%, 2nd place 40%
£2 heaviest fish, 1st place 60%, 2nd place 40%
£1 heaviest overall catch over both competitions (winner takes all)

8 – 8.45am
White Loch – White Loch car park
Black Loch – Black Stables car park

Walk Off
Anglers will be drawn to walk off in pairs starting at 8.45am

White Loch – From Gull Island (graveyard) along the front of Crow Island over the fence, along the whins and stop at the edge of wood.
Black Loch – From the canal through the field, into the wood, round to the boat and 500 metres up the back road.

Fishing times
9.30am – 3.30pm. Anglers must be back at their registration point with their card by 4pm.
Weighing of fish
Anglers will be issued with a card. Pike to be weighed, recorded and signed by a steward located at graveyard, Crow Island and the whins.

One rod White Loch
Two rods Black Loch
Dead bait fishing only and single bait traces must be used. Tight lines

Archive News From 2018

15th August 2018

Archive News From 2018 from the previous website

Its good news on the Tesco Token front. Details will follow shortly!:-X


Signs have been erected at Black & White Lochs, Soulseat and Magille regarding the algae. Best advice is to keep pets from drinking water and avoid contact with water as much as possible. It is still ok to fish but make sure you follow common sense hygiene precautions. It is likely Dindinnie and even Knockquhassen will follow shortly.

Big thanks today for help with stocking to Ian Eckford and his brother-in-law John, Bobby Greenhill, Dean, Harry, Fitzy and old stalwarts J.G. & R.C.
Also to Fitzy for starting strimming at Dindinnie and to Dean and Harry for offering help next week.
Strimming at Dindinnie is planned for Tuesday 10am. Any help gratefully received. Let me know if you can help please

Please Note –
Stair Estates have asked if the boat at the White Loch can be used on Thursday (21st June) by the BBC for a few hours. A donation to club funds has been promised!!
Fish stocks are coming Thursday as well, about 12noon at Inch church is the usual
There are a couple of spaces left for the second leg of Devoy Cup at Alderneuk. If anybody is interested, e-mail me back and I will try and sort out transport arrangements.
Cheers Ron

Gordon Spiers with an absolute cracker 8lb 9oz Brownie from Soulseat May 2018

Kevin in the picture again with a beautiful Dindinnie Brownie

Caught by Richard Baker released by Adam Molyneux. Watch it go!!!

WARNING. A small dog got tangled up with tackle last week at White Loch. This is unacceptable and WILL result in any member caught offending being banned “sine die” from Association. These actions could also result in loss of waters.

Well done to one of our youngest anglers at Soulseat on 9-04-2018
If weather is reasonable on Sunday we hope to get straw spread at Soulseat, meet about 10am at the car park.
** Any volunteers out there to help? **
Winner of the Prize Draw was Bryce Greenhill, Well Done to him
Hot off the Press
2018 permits now in the Sports Shop.
Not much time until the start of the season so best get them whilst they’re hot
A prize draw will be made from the first 50 purchased this year so “Good Luck”

Big Brown from Soulseat one of 30 pictures by member Arthur. Check it out on Stranraer & District Angling Association’s facebook page

The AGM was held on 12th dec and an excellent turnout of 50 members enjoyed a number of lively, but good natured, discussions about changes for next season. Thanks were due to many memebers for their help with various maintenance projects. John Grierson and Bobby Greenhill have restarted fly tying classes and were pleased to get a donation from Robin McLean of materials for this. If anyone else has unused bits and pieces please let any committee member know and we can arrange collection.

Archive News From 2017

15th August 2018

Archive News From 2017

The last open competition of the season was held at Dindinnie on
Saturday with thirteen members turning out to try their luck. The
winner for the last two years, Gordon Spiers, failed to do the hat-trick and was relegated to presenting the trophy to his successor Kevin Hamilton. In second place was Bobby Greenhill who pipped Dean McColm by a couple of ounces.
The Champions cup and salver are to be fished for on Sunday 17th at Soulseat by qualifiers as detailed on the permit.

Dean McColm, Gordon Spiers, Kevin Hamilton and Bobbie Greenhill

Bruce Copeland learning to Spey cast at Soulseat

Please note the Terry Flower Memorial Shield is to be held on SATURDAY 9th not Sunday as stated in Free Press.
My apologies


*** Litter Warning ***
Any member found to be responsible for littering any Association water is likely to be suspended by the club.

John McHarrie has lost his landing net at Knockquhassen. If found could you please hand in to The Sports Shop. Many thanks

Now George Wellman gets in on the act with a P.B from Soulseat 4lb 10z. Another fine fish George well worthy of a mention but you would need a hell of a big frying pan for that one!

Soulseat contimues to produce quality fish as these pictures show with a 4lb = brownie for Ian Loch and a rainbow for one of the Copeland twins. Many other anglers have been returning excellent brownis and rainbows including Eric “Chef”, “Bo” Parker, Gordon “Mr Strimmer 2017” to name but a few.
Also pictured a nice 15lb pike from the White Loch by Dylon on Saturday

And now for the unacceptable side of our passion.
Gordon took a walk down to where the boat is at the White Loch and cleared up this rubbish. Only members fish at Black and White Lochs so lets make sure everyone takes responsibility for keeping things tidy. Come on guys play the game and enjoy your fishing but take your rubbish home and don’t hide it in bushes!! Please pass this message on to all members.

At last a pair for secretary Ron from Soulseat 22-08-17 Brownie 4lb rainbow 3.14

Agnew Salver & Junior Bait Trophy Sunday 20th August.
1st G McLean 14 lb 8 oz
2nd P McLean 13 lb 13 oz
3rd R McLean Jnr 11 lb 10 oz
Another good turnout today 24 members for the competition
And a big thank you to John Grierson for organising the barbecue and Eric Wither for doing the cooking. Also, thanks to Maureen and Heather for the use of their garden at Meadowsweet, Soulseat.

Tiger now been caught by John Grierson but no photographic evidence! Would’nt stand up in court Jock must try harder next time.
Now Dougie Halliday has joined the Soulseat brownie fest with this 3lb + taken 18-08-17. Nice one Dougie.

Buff” tiger trout/ roach/ pike etc etc Smith won the Rab Crozier cup on Saturday at the Black Loch by a long way with a bag of over 50lbs whilst poor old George W 20feet away had one run and no fish!! Think we are going to have to handicap Buff next year perhaps tie both hands behind his back but any other suggestions would be welcome!!
Only 6 tickets for barbecue sold so far so in danger of being cancelled through lack of interest we need to know how many are coming so we can get enough food but not too much so if you’re coming please buy your tickets in the next couple of days.
Many thanks

The Alf Steel Rosebowl was competed for on Sunday 6th. The winner was Gerhard McLean with three of finest brown trout chairman Billy Parker has ever seen taken from Soulseat. In second place was Robin McLean and in third Tom Loch. The junior trophy was presented to Thomas Copeland with Ian Loch securing the OAP s version. Our next outing will be the Rab Crozier cup for pike at the Black Loch on Saturday 12th August. “TIGHT LINES”

Hi all Members!
Just to let you know John Grierson is organising a club barbecue to be held at Meadowsweet at Soulseat by kind permission of Maureen. This will be held on Sunday 20th August at 5pm following the Agnew Salver competition being held earlier on that day. All members and friends are invited and tickets will be available from The Sports Shop shortly. The committee feel this will be a good opportunity for members to socialise and talk fishing for a few hours and will also hopefully boost the club funds as well!!!
“Tight Lines and Fair Weather” (fingers etc. crossed)

Another great brownie from Soulseat this time by Ian Loch, 4lb plus, 29-07-17

The Scot Rail trophy for roach fished for at Magillie on Sunday 23rd. The winner Buff “The Tiger” followed by new member Arthur and in third and also winner of the junior event Bruce Copeland, A good day was had by all with plenty of fine roach being landed.
Next competition on Sunday 6th at Soulseat is Alf Steel Rosebowl in conjunction with OAPs and Ladies cups. All legal methods allowed
“Tight Lines”

A golden oldie!!! Anyone we know?

Dindinnie had been closed by the water board due to the recurrence of blue green algae, Scottish Water now say its ok to fish Dindinnie but recommend washing of hands and equipment after fishing there.

More pike photos all caught by Dylan Drysdale, junior member of the club, from the White Loch today. First fish is 7 pounds, second 8 and a half pounds, last 2 are 9 and a half pounds.

A fine pair of pike caught by Adam at the White Loch, 7 and 8lbs respectively. Two of five taken on 2-07-17
Presentation to winners at Stewart Fidler Shield and Ae fisheries junior cup

George Wellman and Davie Hardie (jnr) in joint first. Not sure yet if
they are going to each hold trophy for six months or set up home together!!

Young Bruce winner of junior trophy

Buff “Tiger Trout” Smith in third place

Eric Wither with a nice brownie from Soulseat 30-06-17Notice to members the 1st of July bait competition has been switched from the Black Loch to Macgillie as it has been fishing so well of late.

5lb 6oz brownie from Dindinnie by Adam Beeton
McRoberts Cup at Belston Fishery

George with trophy, leg of lamb and Billy!

Billy handing George his winnings.

Wee Stuart in second.

Gordon in third place.

George with the winning fish

Mexican Wave

Eric Wither concentrating!

Hans surrounded by a small selection of his equipment.

Here we go!

The Whole Motley Crew!!

A dampish day to put loads of nice rainbows into Soulseat, Dindinnie and Knockquhassen.

Latest news!

The Devoy cup held at Ochiltree on a breezy Sunday was won by Danny Love with “Big” Tam Loch in second followed by the redoubtable Eric McCune in third. The tiger trout has been caught yet again by Buff “The Roachman” Smith. He has been warned though if he gets it again he’s going to have to marry it!

A stocking of fish will take place this Thursday 8th at Soulseat, Dindinnie and Knockquhassen

The next competition will take place at Belston fishery on Saturday 17th so get your name on the list now in the Sports Shop

George Cup

First fished for in 1955 there was, once again, a great turnout of 24 members on Sunday afternoon at Knockquhassen. The winner with three fish, taken within the first hour, was Gerhard McLean. In second place was David Hardie Jnr followed closely by Davy Murdie. All in all a good day was had by all although not everyone landed fish.

It is also worthy of report that two of our members, Tom Loch and Kevin McIntyre, have qualified for the second round of The 125th Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship having faced stiff competition at the Lake of Menteith. We all wish them well in the next round. “Tight Lines Guys”

Finally, believe it or not the “Tiger” trout at Macgillie has been caught for the third time in less than three weeks!

Chairman Billy Parker waiting patiently to weigh in at Knockquhassen

Wilson Cloy at Soulseat with a fine 4lb11oz brownie taken on a buzzer on 21-05-2017

As Victor would have said ” I do not believe it ” As Gordon does say “Anything they can do I can do too”

A fine pair caught by our esteemed chairman Billy Parker at Soulseat 18-05-17.

A tiger from Macgillie.
Anything Davie can do I can do better! (poor wee fish must be desperate)

The Rob Mackie Memorial Trophy for Juniors was held at Soulseat on Sunday. Only five juniors turned up with three of them landing nice fish. In first place, following in his grandfathers footsteps, was Robin McClean with two fish for over 6 lbs, followed closely by Brogan Campbell with two for over 5 lbs and in third place yet another member of the McClean family, young Kayla Lockhead with a nice rainbow landed in the final moments of the competition. The Copeland twins from Glen Luce once again made up for their lack of fish by sticking to the task with great enthusiasm and commitment! All participants were rewarded with vouchers for the Sports Shop kindly donated by John Cathcart for which many thanks.

Tiger trout from Macgillie from old favourite Davie Nicholson!! Taken on bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another cracker from Macgillie this time by Buff roach fishing!

Andy who usually fishes Loch Ree on light tackle and Caroline decide to try out the Black Pennel at Soulseat size 14 on weight five/six rod! Hope you’re being truthful here Andy Begg!!! “Very Tight Lines”

6lb 1oz caught at Dindinnie by Harry Wilson and returned

Gordon trying a spinner to check for pike at Soulseat loses two but lands this fine blue a whisker under 4lbs

Loch Macgillie

What you can catch fishing for roach with maggots and tiny hooks

Well done Davie and returned to fight another day

The Hay cup was held at Penwhirn reservoir on Sunday and was very well attended for this event. Eighteen members turned up for the 2pm start and excellent catches of wild brownies were taken All in all a very satisfactory event won for the ninth time in the last forty plus years by Bobby “Greenheart” Greenhill followed by Charlie Hamilton with the ever versatile Stuart Fitzsimons third, his second placing in two days. The next competition is not until 14th May. This will be the Rob Mackie Memorial trophy for juniors so come on boys and girls plenty of time to practice!

“Tight Lines”

First pike competition of the season was held on a beautiful Saturday at the White Loch. There were 18 participants with the heaviest bag going to Wullie Langdon with runner up Stuart Fitzsimons also landing the heaviest fish at 22lb 5oz, in third place was Gary Sweeny. Once again our chairman Billy Parker failed to bother the scorers!! as did one or two others but all agreed it was just nice to be in such beautiful surroundings. On the down side the amount of litter in the bushes can only be described as disgarceful and members are reminded that they could have their permit suspended if found to be responsible. It is my intention to arrange a team to clean up this time but I would ask all members to police this in future. “Tight Lines” and “Take it home”

Ron (secretary)

This 6lb Rainbow was caught on a fly at Soulseat this morning by Stuart McIntyre, (Easter Monday)

Caught at Soulseat on Easter Monday
A great start to the 2017 season with many overwintered fish being taken from all venues. Soulseat has probably been most productive with both brown and rainbow trout in excess of 6lb falling to the fly although bait fishers have also been well rewarded. Fishing at Dindinnie has also been excellent with fish showing in quantities outstanding for this early in the season. For the purist, Penwhirn has been producing quantities of small wild brownies with one angler reporting landing 18 in one session (all returned of course).

Rainbow from Dindinnie
The first competition of the season was held at Soulseat on Sunday 16th April. Despite the blustery conditions some fine fish were landed, mainly on the fly. The winner was our treasurer John Grierson, whose bag of three included a fine 4lb 6oz brown trout. In second place was stalwart Gordon McGuire, with Jock Menteith in third place with a rainbow of 4lb 2½oz beating off Wilson Cloy by ½ an ounce! Well done Jock.

Chairman Billy Parker presents Soulseat Cup to John Grierson

Gordons brownie from Soulseat
The next competition will be for the new Topping Trophy for pike to be held at the White Loch on Saturday 22nd April at 10am. On Sunday 23rd April the Hay Cup and Junior Fly trophy will be contested at 2pm Penwhirn Reservoir.

“Tight Lines”

Archive News From 2016

15th August 2018

Archive News From 2016

And now for the good news!

The 2016 season has got off to a flying start with excellent catches from the very first day. A number of overwintered fish of 6lb + have been taken and found to be in top class fighting condition and taking a variety of flies at both Soulseat and Dindinnie. For the hardy angler at Knockquhassen results have also been promising with brown trout showing themselves as well as the rainbows.

Sadly the bad and the ugly now! A walk round Soulseat was spoiled by the amount of litter lying around. There is no excuse for this as most people only leave a small amount which would be easy for the to take home and dispose of correctly. Whilst bottles, cans, and cigarette packets are bad enough it is unforgivable that nylon line is also being discarded as this can be fatal to wildlife. Any member found to be responsible is liable to be disciplined by the Association


Starting the countdown to the marvelous 15th march when hibernating anglers wake up with new hope for the “it was this big” moment , Waters have been restocked a few weeks ago so fish should be well settled and ready! there were some excellent browns and blues in among the rainbows and we are getting a stocking of small brownies this week too.

Now the bad news , the boat at dindinnie has been vandalised in the last few weeks so if any member hears anything please let any committee member know, the boat has now been repaired thanks to john diamond and all others involved and is back on the water ready for use

Living the dream
In memory of our friend Matha, passed away too young. We miss your cheeky grin and cheery chat. “Tight Lines” buddy “Tight Lines”

Double Strike by the Mcleans!!
The Devoy Cup was held at a windy Ochiltree on Sunday 6th June courtesy of Newton Stewart Angling Association and was won by G.McLean who netted 8 fish, the majority of which were safely returned. In 2nd place was T.Loch and 3rd R.Mclean. H Topping failed on this occasion to bother the scorers! The next competition is at Tarbolton on Sunday 13th of June. A fresh stocking of mixed rainbow, brown and blue trout was introduced to Soulseat on 3rd June and this invariably enlivens the existing fish so once again ” Tight Lines ”

Sunday 17th May 2015
The George Cup competition was held at a blustery Knockquhassen reservoir. The conditions did not make for easy fishing but a number of the participants weighed in fish.
In 3rd place was Eric McCune with 1 fish at 2lbs 11oz.
In 2nd (again!) was Hans Topping with 1 fish at 3lbs 3oz.
The winner with 2 fish totaling 5lbs 8oz was Robin McLean.
The next competition is the Devoy Cup to be held at Ochiltree on 7th June.
On a general note all lochs are fishing well with good catches of both rainbow and brown trout with one brownie in excess of 7lbs caught at Soulseat.
Tight Lines!!