

  1. The Association shall be called “The Stranraer and District Angling Association”
  2. The objects for which the Association is formed are- TO ENCOURAGE, PROMOTE and IMPROVE ANGLING in the district. To expend money from the Association Funds in the interests of Angling.
  3. The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY, TREASURER AND SIX COMMITTEE MEMBERS, to be chosen annually be members of the Association. Those SIX members shall be elected for a period of three years, two retiring at the end of each year.
  4. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held before February, for the purpose of receiving the Secretary’s Report, the Treasurer’s Financial Statement, the Election of a Committee of Management and any other competent business.
  5. The President shall be Chairman of all General Meetings, or in his absence, any Member of the Committee who may be elected. The quorum at all General Meetings to be twenty, and at Committee Meetings, Five.
  6. Questions arising at any Meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of fully paid Members present.
  7. It shall be in the power of the Chairman to take the voting of all Meetings by a show of hands, and in the case of equality, he shall have a second or casting vote.
  8. Notice of the Annual General Meeting will be intimated in the local press not more than 30 days before the date set.
  9. The Committee shall cause true accounts to be kept of all monies received and shall lay before the General Meeting a Statement of Income and Expenditure for the past year. This Statement shall bear the signature of an Auditor appointed by the Committee.
  10. In any matter affecting the Association of Members thereof, it shall be within the right of Members to call upon the Committee to hold a Special General Meeting, when such matters as are at issue shall be discussed, always provided that such requisition be in writing, and be signed by not less than twelve full members whose subscriptions for the current year shall have been paid. Decisions made at the Annual General Meeting must stand until the next Annual General Meeting before being discussed or altered.
  11. All matters of detail or dispute in any way arising shall be left to the Committee for settlement and their decision shall be final.
  12. The Association shall not hold itself liable for any injuries incurred by Members while fishing on its waters.
  13. Any other competent business for inclusion at the Annual General Meeting must be intimated to the Secretary in writing at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.
  14. DISSOLUTION CLAUSE. In the event of the club disbanding all remaining funds to be donated to Stranraer Common Good Fund.